Therapeutic Exercise

exercises, stretching, strengthening, strength, balance training, proprioception, strength and conditioning, weight lifting, resistance training
  1. What Is Therapeutic Exercise?

    • Definition: Therapeutic exercise refers to a tailored program of physical activities and exercises designed to address specific issues that you may be having.

    • Purpose: After our evaluation, we have a good idea of where you are tight, where you are weak, and where muscles aren’t activating like they should. Therapeutic exercise trains your body to overcome those issues and prevent them from coming back!

    • Customization: Each patient receives exercises specific to their condition, needs, and treatment goals.

  2. How Is Therapeutic Exercise Used?

    • Rehabilitation: After an injury or surgery, therapeutic exercises aid in recovery. They strengthen weakened muscles, improve joint mobility, and enhance overall function.

    • Pain Management: Targeted exercises alleviate pain by promoting blood flow, reducing muscle tension, and enhancing tissue healing.

    • Functional Improvement: Whether it’s walking, running, lifting weights, or performing daily tasks, therapeutic exercises enhance your ability to do what you love.

    • Prevention: Regular exercise helps prevent future injuries and maintains overall health.

  3. Our Approach:

    • Our skilled therapists assess your condition, create a personalized exercise plan, and guide you through each step. We’ll often need to start with some easier exercises to aid in restoring range of motion or decreasing pain, but as those things improve, the sky is the limit! Your goals determine where we decide to go with our exercises.

    • We always monitor progress, adjust exercises as needed, and empower you to take an active role in your recovery. We love working with our patients, but are even more excited when we you graduate from our care!

    Have more questions? We’re happy to answer them! Contact us here.